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Thanks to these sponsors we're able to bring SmallBizPod to you as a valuable, free and inspiring resource for start-ups, small business and entrepreneurs.

So, thanks to you all and please show your support for SmallBizPod by supporting our sponsors, if you get a chance.

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Recent Sponsors

Audible Sponsors SmallBizPod is the UK's largest provider of downloadable audio books, with a great selection available on business, entrepreneurship and personal development as well as 30,000 titles to choose from in a wide range of other genres.

XLN Telecom Sponsors SmallBizPod

XLN Telecom is committed to providing the lowest cost telecom services and highest customer service levels to the UK's small business community. Founded in 2002, XLN is now the UK's largest independent provider of telecom services to small businesses in Britain having over 120,000 business customers across the country. In 2007, XLN was ranked as the highest placed telecoms provider in the The Sunday Times Tech Track and was listed for a second consecutive year in 2008. The company's founders are Anthony Karibian and Christian Nellemann. In 2006 Christian Nellemann was a winner of the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award for Technology and Communication.

HP Sponsors SmallBizPod

HP is a technology company that operates in more than 170 countries around the world. We explore how technology and services can help people and companies address their problems and challenges, and realize their possibilities, aspirations and dreams. We apply new thinking and ideas to create more simple, valuable and trusted experiences with technology, continuously improving the way our customers live and work.

Rackspace Sponsors SmallBizPod

Rackspace offers small businesses dedicated and managed hosting, with fanatical support, one hour turnaround if your server hardware breaks and 100% guaranteed network uptime. A must have for all startups and small businesses whose website is a vital part of sales and customer service. Sponsors SmallBizPod, a member of the Alibaba Group, is the world's leading B2B e-commerce company. It connects millions of buyers and suppliers from around the world every day through three marketplaces: an English-language marketplace ( for global importers and exporters, a Chinese-language marketplace ( for domestic trade in China, and a Japanese-language marketplace ( facilitating trade to and from Japan. Together, its marketplaces form a community of more than 32 million registered users from over 240 countries and regions.

Sage Sponsors SmallBizPod

Sage is a leading supplier of business management software and services to 5.4 million customers worldwide.

Sage has been working with business for more than 25 years to supply some of the best known business software and services around. When it started back in 1981 the company quickly learnt that nobody understands what they want more from their software than customers. So Sage takes their ideas and suggestions and builds software and services round them.

Bibby Financial Services

Bibby Financial Services specialises in the provision of cash flow solutions for business. From start ups to more established businesses, if you trade with other firms on credit; if your business deals in the UK or overseas; your cash is tied up in vital equipment or you just want your cash to work harder for you, Bibby Financial Services can help.

Freeform Dynamics

Freeform Dynamics is an IT industry analyst firm. It conducts large scale research studies into strategy, business cases and best practices, and provides decision making insights to IT and business professionals.

Recent Sponsors sponsors SmallBizPod Audible sponsors SmallBizPod Bibby Financial Services sponsors SmallBizPod HP sponsors SmallBizPod Freeform Dynamics sponsors SmallBizPod Rackspace sponsor SmallBizPod Sage sponsors SmallBizPod XLN Telecom sponsors SmallBizPod

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